Who We Are
Pathfinders are a worldwide organization of young people sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, though young people of any religious persuasion, or none at all, are welcome and encouraged to join the organization.
To train and develop young people in service to God and man.
To provide each Pathfinder with knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that will make them optimally rounded or holistically prepared for life and eternity.
Pathfinders participate in various domestic, physical, educational, and social activities. These activities include studying scriptures, camping, drilling/marching, participating in church and community activities on a regular basis. These activities emphasize overall discipline that will assist them in becoming productive and valuable members of society.

The Advent Message to All the World in My Generation
My relationship to Jesus Christ and the love for my fellow mankind compels me to share with any who will receive it, the gospel—the good news of His soon return.
The Love of Christ Compels Me
I am drawn to Him by His exemplary life and compassion for humanity.
The closer I find myself to Him, the closer I find myself identifying with the needs of my fellow human beings.