
Water Activity:
Simple Natural Remedies (Hydrotherapy demonstration: Hydrotherapy Hot foot bath; Contrast foot bath 

Demonstrate the value of drinking plenty of water. Have water and cups for people to drink freely

Number of volunteers: 2-4
1 Person demonstrates a hot footbath using a second person as a live model.
1 Person is in charge of giving out cups of water. You may need more staff at a larger Expo.

• Write the name of the hydrotherapy demonstration on their Personal Health Record form.
• Hand out the Water literature
• It may be easier if water is not used for the demonstration as this can be messy. Use an empty foot basin and wrap someone up as the “patient.” Asking for a volunteer from the audience to be the “patient” will increase audience participation.
• Offer the visitor a cup of water. Then ask them how many cups (or liters) they drink per day. Then figure out how much they should drink based on their weight (see the chart). Talk with them about the importance of drinking water and give some practical recommendations.
• An additional activity can be using the so-called “germ” powder. This activity illustrates the importance of thoroughly washing one’s hands. Order the powder and the ultraviolet light from The Health Connection, www.healthconnection.org or telephone 1 800 548-8700

Also familiarize yourself with the handout for your station.

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